

This was a class assignment for my Brand and Identity Systems course. My redesign is not affiliated with Broadcom. I chose Broadcom as it is a global infrastructure technology leader known for its semiconductor and infrastructure solutions. 

I decided to develop an alternate brand system to attract customers as well as to ensure that Broadcom is easily recognizable. Furthermore, I wanted Broadcom to have a logo that reflects the company’s values such as being a future-oriented company. As an innovative technology leader, Broadcom exemplifies qualities such as being trustworthy, versatile, and high performance, and therefore public perception should correlate.

This rebrand focuses on the idea of “broad” and how I interpret Broadcom’s vision as a company. The technologies that they create are often unseen but they impact many people in their day-to-day life. Broadcom’s mission seeks to unify and “connect everything®”.

  • Adverts
  • Applications
  • Brand Identity
  • Graphic Design