This project involved proposing a design for an environment that delivers a positive experience to its guests such as healing, transportation, social bonding, play, fitness, or exchange. I chose to design a new zen office space for creatives inspired by Apple Park, which is the corporate headquarters of Apple. In this design, I created a mood board of imagery and words that would be used to describe the space. I then worked on many iterations of the interior view, exterior view, and floor plans. After I finalized my design and the user journey through the space, I made a realistic perspective rendering using Solidworks and KeyShot.
- 2022
- Applications
- Industrial
- Photography
A Zen Space
Rich and elegant, The Zen Office combines both naturalness and simplicity alongside collaboration and innovation. While most companies want to increase collaboration, many office designs do not support a collaborative environment. The Zen Office is a space that is specifically designed for collaboration among designers and other creatives. Compared to traditional offices that enforce cubicles and small individual workspaces, the Zen Office makes use of large open spaces, natural light, and zen elements to promote not only a healthy collaborative space but a healthy mindset. Moreover, the space has many enjoyable details, including an outdoor courtyard/yoga space for employee break time, and an indoor atrium to let natural light into the building. Overall, the Zen workspace helps reduce stress and anxiety for employees, encourages relaxation when needed, as well as improves focus, performance, and happiness.